Training Topics
1. Facilitating Theophostic Basic Training Video seminar in your church or region.
2. Facilitating Advanced Theophostic Video Training.
3. Train your Healing Prayer Ministry in a customized way that would meet the needs of your church, ministry, or counseling practice. Utilizing “Live demonstration,” as well as recorded video tapes of actual Theophostic Ministry sessions.
4. “Keys to Effective Ministry Through Personal Wholeness” This is a conference presentation dealing with the primary hindrances to effective ministry, and how the person in a ministry or healing prayer ministry can increase their effectiveness by dealing with their own personal woundedness.
5. Learning to effectively deal with Dissociation as a Primary Road Block to Effective Theophostic Healing Prayer.. Frank has worked 1000’s of hours with severely traumatized, PTSD and dissociated clients.
6. Identifying and Tearing Down Strongholds and Mind Renewal.